Week 5 Digital Media

This week lecture was given by PretendTv’s Alex Cannock. He runs two companies the a for mentioned being his most recent project. PretendTv seems to be a showcase for people’s self made videos. Alex made the point that his website aimed to raise viewing figures by featuring certain videos. Established in Manchester in 2011 it is only a rev=cent company but the website seems to have attracted attention and like many other websites of this kind it would seem networking is the key.

His other project was established back in 1999 with a certain Bob Geldoff. The production company is named Tenalp, it refers to itself as a “Multimedia Factual Producer”.  Reading the history of the company some aspects seem pretty unbelievable; founded for £1 and now its turnover is close to 80 million. It is easy to see the concern of the company as Bob Geldoff is hardly quiet about his world views on giving. Education seems to be its primary concern and from the looks of things they are achieving what they set out to do.

During the lecture Alex showed a video that had an interactive angle to it. He then explained how an interactive video receives a greater number of views. Although an obvious concept due to the idea that the viewer once participating may re-do their viewing and arrive at a completely new ending. My own personal view of these interactive videos; they are a novelty much like “DVD games” once they have been completed they are visited no more. In a time concerned with hits on youtube and website visits one can understand the appeal merely through popularity and not real merit. The film he showed was of a house party and one was able to choose different outcomes.  He also made the point that recently producers no longer have to come up with new ideas merely combine to form a hybrid show. This is true, I feel, in some cases but sometimes there are great shows made by doing this. Even the example he gave was a very successful show: Downton Abbey.

Ezra Rushan gave the second part of the lecture. She was involved in the website Creative Times. This seemed to be a journalistic approach to new art forms in and around the U.K. since 2005.  It also put on events for the representations of its different clients. For me personally the website is very useful as I have a graphic design background and thus interest and maybe profession could involve this site. It has the same feel as one of my favourite American art-journals juxstapoze… I am happy to have found a British equivalent. A website similar to this one, I am applying for at the moment, is Huwho that although based heavily in music is looking to branch out into other art forms, I feel this lecture would give me a slight edge. I would also mention that it is a friend’s website but as we have been told constantly networking is key.

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